Merika Mekapex wallbox with 15 mm compression fitting
Merika code: 2236
EAN code: 6415820141545
HVAC number: 2014154
RSK number: 1892092
- NORDTEST tested
- For 25 and 28 mm casing pipe
- Waterproof
- Openable casing clamp and packing
- Brass part pressure tested and type approved
Attention! To display 3D-models Adobe Acrobat Reader is required.
Technical dimensions
Installation instructions
- Certifikat SE - EUFI29-21001090-C1-SE - 21-03-15 [pdf]
- Sertifikaatti-FI-EUFI29-21001090-C1-21-03-15-2 [pdf]
- Certificate-EN-C-10979-14-EN-22-08-22 [pdf]
- Certifikat-SE-C-10979-14-SE-22-08-22 [pdf]
- Sertifikaatti-FI-C-10979-14-22-08-22 [pdf]
- Typgodkannande-SE-Kiwa-1497-Dno-197-18-22-06-13 [pdf]
- Typgodkännande FI SE - EUFI29-20004185-TH2-SE - 20-08-26 [pdf]
- Tyyppihyväksyntä-FI-EUFI29-20004185-TH2-20-08-26 [pdf]